《 Wendy'sFetishSex 温蒂的恋物性事 》全本完结版

译文来自SIS资深翻译家===>图区斑竹 wusong7720 (武松) 先生倾情奉献这是我在 SIS的第二篇文章。 希望所有的朋友喜欢这个情色故事。 这次骚妇温蒂将会向你展示她的狂欢派对。   我叫温蒂, 30 岁,女,同性恋。而且虽然我有过许多同性爱人,可我对 女人之间的性爱从来不会很投入。   但是下面的故事是我一次不得不说的性经历。天啊,光是回想那次经历我的   我先做个自我介绍。我165 公分,132 斤,褐色的头发,绿色的眼睛,三围 44-34-38英寸(118-86-97 公分)。   (大家都说我的身材象Rubinesque)。我的胸部大而敏感体毛比一般的女 人要重一些。我通常把我的阴毛修得很整齐,虽然有时也让它们和我的腋毛同样 自由生长。我喜欢看见女人的双臂之下有浓密的腋毛。那次经历牵涉到我的一个 叫金姆的女同事。   她几乎是和我一样的身段,只不过头发是卷曲的金发。我们是好朋友,经常 下班后一起去喝些饮料。我猜想她可能是同性恋,至少是双性恋,但是我暂时还 不想知道太多。如果我们之间会发生什么,那就注定了最终一定会发生。   一个星期六,金姆和我约好一起去逛街。她说她中午到,结果早到了半小时。 我刚刚洗完澡,披上一件浴袍去开门。金姆穿一件T 恤,提着一个装衣服的袋子。 她说她刚刚运动完,想在我们去商场之前先洗个澡。我就带她去我卧房里的浴室。   她走入浴室,然后就在我面前开始脱衣服。我感到很吃惊,却不想走开。她 微笑着边聊边向我展示她的锻炼成果。当她脱下她的上衣和胸罩的时候,我几乎 不敢相信我的眼睛。她的乳房和我的一样大,也有着粉红的乳头。   嗯!真是性感胸部,让我很想去吮吸它们。我感觉我的脉膊加快,轻轻吁   金姆接着脱掉了她的内裤。我从没有见过这么多毛的私处。从下面一直连到   她背转身来踢掉内裤,我看见她的臀缝间也有些细毛。然后我的视线落在她 的腋下。我的天啊!!好浓密的腋毛!我发誓我看见她的腋下就几乎高潮了。我 的阴户现在已经湿润了。   当她回过头的时候,她可以看出我被挑起了性欲。   她说 "你愿意和我一起淋浴吗?" 我迫不及待的脱个精光。我们在水中互相 抚摸对方的胸部。温暖的水冲在身上,感觉十分美好。我倾过去吻她的嘴,舌头 立刻缠绕在一起。我感觉欲火焚身,高潮已经离我不远。因此我决定跪下来好好   我的手指掠过她的裂缝。她的阴唇已经充血胀大,向两边分开。   我拉开她的阴唇,从阴户下面一直舔到上面。然后把她勃起的阴核含进嘴里, 用舌头不停的舔舐。   她呻吟着并且整个骑到我的脸上。她刚才一定锻炼的很卖力,我可以闻到她 的汗味,尤其是在她的阴户周围。   经过一番“舌战”后,她开始对我说脏话。   " 哦,美女,快点吃我的阴户". "舔它,哦,就在那里……   你这个骚货……   用你的舌头让我爽……   你这个荡妇".   她的下体开始抽搐,然后阴水喷进我的嘴里,被我全部喝掉了。我们互相清 洗了对方,走出浴室擦干。   我开始穿衣服,她凑过来在我的耳边低语," 现在轮到我吃你的阴户了,宝 贝".她咬住我的耳垂,把我摁倒在床上。   她把我的两腿分开,用舌头舔我的大腿,同时手抚摸我的阴毛。   我急切的想要她的舌头进入我的体内。我抓住她的头发,把她的脸按向我的   她挣开我的手说," 等等,宝贝。让我来。".她把两根手指伸进我的阴道里, 说," 哦,温蒂你的阴道好大啊,我可以把我的整个拳头放在里面".这个时候我 已经顾不得她把什么放进我的阴道了。我的情欲已无法控制。   她先放进两根手指,然后三根,四根。   她说," 温蒂,放松你的阴户,相信我".她把拇指握进拳头里,把她的整个 拳头滑进我的阴道。   我感到一种从所未有的感觉。   我的阴户里面从来没有进过这么大的东西。我把臀部挺向空中,用力夹紧她   金姆说," 温蒂,我的拳头在你里面操你呢。   我说," 哦金姆,快,再快点,用你的拳头干我!".她说," 跪起身来,宝 贝。我想要一边舔你的屁眼,一边用手干你".我爬起身,四肢着地,她的拳头一   金姆用另一只手拨开我的屁股瓣,用舌头上下舔我的屁眼。   我尖叫到," 啊,金姆,宝贝,把你的舌头放进去!".她把舌头挤进我的屁 眼里,强烈的快感一阵阵的袭来。   我的阴道也同时收缩,裹紧她的拳头。   她说," 我的拳头也想干你的屁眼".我听见这话就不由得浑身又一阵快感。   她先塞进两根手指,我感觉我的肛门开始放松。   三根手指,四根,然後她把她的整个拳头塞了进去。   我痛苦的尖叫起来,但是随着她两只手在我的不同部位的抽插动作,痛苦很 快转为强烈的快感。   我很快淹没在一波又一波的快感浪潮里。   她慢慢地把她的拳头从我的阴户和屁眼里抽出来。   我的阴道感到有些酸痛,屁眼也撑大了许多。   她说," 哦温蒂,你的屁眼张的好大啊".她轻轻的舔着我的屁眼周围,那种   我的阴户被撑大了,她可以舔到很里面,我从没有想象过能被舔到的地方。   那是阴道的内壁。那是天堂。   我强烈的高潮几乎夹断了她的鼻子!   她把我翻过来,压在我身上。她巨大的乳房压在我的上面,乳头硬硬的挺着。   她扬起身把一个乳头塞进我的嘴里。我一边吮吸,一边轻轻的咬它。   我正吃的入神,她对我说," 让我们互相吃吧,宝贝".她掉转过来,把她的 阴户对准我的脸。   我抬起头舔她的阴唇。她的阴唇很香甜。   她忽然停下说," 温蒂,我想尿在你的嘴里".我坐起身摇头道," 不,我不 要".她说," 来嘛,温蒂,你会喜欢的。它的味道好极了".   她抓住我的双臂把我又按倒在床上。我才发现她是如此的强壮。   她牢牢的压住我,我根本无法动弹,无法抗拒。   她把阴户对准我的嘴,抓住我的头发,说," 来,骚货,吃我的阴户".我别 无选择,决定屈服。   我忘情的舔着她的阴部,好像世界末日要到来一样。   我吮着她的阴核,她受不了,拼命的在我脸上揉搓。   当她快要来的时候,她说," 温蒂,当我来的时候,我要尿在你的嘴里".她 的阴户开始收缩,我可以尝到她的阴精的味道 .突然一条温暖的水流射进我的嘴   它温暖香甜,味道很好。   她尿了大约半分钟,我必须不停的吞咽,才把它全部喝下。   完了之后,她说," 哦,宝贝,这感觉太美妙了。我要你也尿在我的嘴里". 我把阴户对准她的嘴,她开始吃我的下面。   她用她的舌头轮流舔我的阴核和阴道。   我再也坚持不了多久了。   我大声的呻吟,尖叫着她的名字。   我的高潮临近的时候,我说," 金姆宝贝,我要尿在你的嘴里".她说," 哦 耶,快!".当我来的时候,我把甜甜的尿液稳稳的射在她的嘴里。   她照单全收,全部吞了下去。   我翻下身,瘫倒在她身旁。我贴近她动情的说," 谢谢你,金姆,刚才真是 太美妙了".我给了她一个法国式的长吻,我甚至可以尝到我自己的小便的味道。   我真希望她下次可以带着我领略其他的“水上”运动。 ============================================== This is my second post in SIS. Hope all buddies enjoy this erotic stories. This time Bitch Wendy will show you her carnivals. My name is Wendy, I'm a 30 year old Lesbian and although I've had a lot of Lesbian lovers in my time, I never really been into Kinky sex. However, Iv'e got to tell you about my Kinkiest sex experiance - god my pussy gets wet just thinking about it! I'll start by describing myself. I'm 5' 5", 145 lbs., with Brown hair, Green eyes. I measure 44-34-38 ( I can be described as Rubinesque ). My breasts are huge as you can tell and they are very sensitive. I have above average body hair. I keep my pussy hair well trimmed, although I somtimes let it, as well as the hair under my arms grow. I love the sight of a women with lots of hair under her arms. My Kinkiest sex experiance involves a women I met at work named Kim. She is nearly the same size as I am, except she has curly blond hair. We became good friends at work and had gotten together after work a couple of times for drinks. I suspected that she might be a Lesbian or at least Bi, but I didn't want to approach her about it. If I was going to have sex with her, then it would happen eventually. One Saturday, Kim was coming over to go shopping with me. She said that she would be here at noon, but she was a half-hour early. I had just gotten out of the shower and had to throw on a robe to answer the door. Kim was wearing a sweat suit and had a clothes bag with her. Shw said that she had just finished her workout. She said that she wanted to take a shower before we left for the mall. I showed her to the shower in my bedroon. She walked into the bathroom and started to undress right in front of me. I was surprised but did not try to leave. She smiled and kept right on telling me about her workout. When she got her top and bra off, I could'nt believe my eyes. Her tits were as big as mine, with large pink nipples - Uhm! They looked so good. I wanted to suck on them so bad. I felt my pulse quicken and I gave a barely audible sigh. Kim then took off her pants and her cotton panties. I have never seem a hairier pussy in my life. She had a small trail of hair all the way up to her navel. She turned her back to me as she kiked off her panties and I could see that she had very light hair all along the crack of her ass. But then I happened to notice her underarms. My God!! They were covered with hair. I swear I almost came just looking at her underarms. My pussy was dripping by now. When she turned around, she could tell that I was turned on. She said "Would you like to shower with me?" I could'nt get out of my cloths fast enough. I got into the shower with her and we started rubbing each others breats. With the warm water running down us, It felt so good. I leaned over and kissed her mouth, our tongues entwining. I was now so hot, that I would come soon. So I decided to get down on my knees and get a better look at her pussy. I ran my fingers over her slit. Her cunt lips were puffy and spread apart already. I pulled her lips as far as I could and licked the entire length of her pussy. I then sucked her large erect clit into my mouth and twirled my tongue around and around on it. She was moaning and started to buck on my face. She must have had a real workout earlier because I could smell her muskie sweat, especially around her pussy. After a few more tongue lashing she started to talk dirty too me. "Oh suck my pussy, you beautiful cunt". "Lick it, Oh yeaa ..right there.. you bitch.. your making me come with your tongue.. you slut". She then started to jerk around and started coming on my tongue. Her juices squirted into my mouth and I drank it all in. We then washed each other up and got out and dried off. I started to dress, when she stopped with a soft wisper in my ear - "Now it's my turn to suck your pussy, baby". She then licked my ear and pushed me onto the bed. She got between my legs and spread them wide. She then started licking my thighs and rubbing my bush with her hands. I was still so hot, that I had to have her tongue in me now. I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face into my pussy. She pulled back and said, "Wait, baby. Let me do this my way". She then spread my pussy lips and put two fingers in me. She said, "Oh, Wendy your pussy is so big, I think I can get my whole fist inside". At that point, I didn't care what she put in my cunt - I was so damn hory. She worked two, then three, then four fingers into my hole. She said, "Come on Wendy, loosen your pussy for me". She then tucked her thumb into her fist and slipped her entire fist into my now gapping hole. I have never felt a sensation like it before. My pussy had never had anything that big in it before. I humped my ass into the air to meet her thrusts. Kims said, "Wendy, my fist is inside of you and I'm fuck- ing you". I said, "Oh Kim, fuck me faster, you fist fuckin' cunt". She said, "Get on your knees, baby. I want to lick your asshole while I fist fuck you". I get on my hands and knees, all the time keeping her fist in me. Kim spread my ass cheeks with her other hand and ran her tongue over my asshole. I screamed, "Ah, Kim, baby, put your tongue up my ass". She worked her tongue into my asshole all the way. When she did this, I came and came. My pussy was contracting on her fist as the walls of my anus contracted on her tongue. She said, "I'm gonna fist fuck your asshole too". I swear I came again just hearing her say that. She worked two fingers into my ass and I felt my sphincter loosen up. Then three fingers, and then four, and then tucked her theumb into her fist and all at once she rammed her fist all the way up my ass. I screamed in pain, but the pain soom turned to pleasure as she worked her fists in and out of my pussy and ass. I soon started comming in waves. Again, and again, over and over, so many that I lost count. She then slowly pulled her fists out of my pussy and asshole. All of the fist action had left my pussy slightly soar and left my asshole gapping open about an inch. She said, "Oh Wendy, your asshole is streched out so big". She then licked the rim of my ass very lightly, It felt sooo good. My pussy was so wide open that she was able to lick way inside me, farther than I could have imagined. She was actually licking the walls of my cunt. It was heaven. I came so violently that I almost broke her nose! She turned me over and laid on top of me. Her big tits were mashed on mine. Her nipples were so big and erect. She rose up and fed a nipple into my mouth. I sucked on it and bit down gently. I was really getting into her tits, when she said, "Lets eat each other, baby". She then spun around and put her ass right over my face. I reached up and licked her pussy lips. She tasted so sweet. She was returning the favor when she stopped and said, "Wendy, I want to pee in your mouth". I stopped and sat up and said "No, I don't think so". She said, "Come on, Wendy, you'll love it. It tastes so good and sweet". She then grabbed me by the arms and pushed me down on the bed. I did'nt realize how strong she was. She had me pinned and I could'nt do any- thing about it. I was helpless. She positioned her pussy over my mouth and grabbed my hair with her hand and pulled had. She said, "Come on you cunt, suck my pussy". I decided to give in. I did'nt have a choice. I licked her cunt lick there was no tomorrow. I sucked on her clit until she was bucking and thrashing on my face. As she was ready to come, she said, "Wendy, when I come Im going to pee in your mouth". Her pussy started to contract and I could taste her cum. Then all at once a warm stream of piss was shooting into my mouth. It was sweet and warm and actually tasted good. She peed for about thity seconds and I had to keep swallowing to drink it all down. When she was done, she said, "Oh baby that was so good. I want you to pee in my mouth now". I positioned my pussy over her mouth and she started to eat me. She licked my hole like never before. She would alternate licking my clit with her tongue putting her tongue all the way up my cunt. I could'nt last much longer. I was moaning and screaming her name. As I was ready to come, I said, "Kim baby, I'm gonna come and pee in your mouth". She said, "Oh yea, do it now baby". As I came I let out steady stream of hot, sweet piss, right in her mouth. She swallowed and swallowed to get it all down. I rolled off her and colapsed beside her. I then nuzzled up to her and said, "Thanks Kim, that was wonderful". I then gave her a long French kiss. I could taste and smell my own piss. I can't wait until she introduces me to other water sports. 本帖最后由 重庆水务 于 2010-4-13 14:25 编辑 金币 哥们,您可算给我弄了个大难题。 2007-7-3 14:24 真练英语啊。。。不过好多感觉不是严格遵照语法来的呢 经常看到小鬼子的翻译文章,全英文的翻译文章还是第一次看到,不得不说从此文的文笔描述上来看有着典型的西方性观念文化,就好像AV艺术的东西方文化观念不同一样,感谢楼主精彩文章的分享,一颗红心略表心意! 西方性的重口味女人体毛多的感觉很毛骨悚然 英文语法是我们中国人研究的比英国人还好的,许多俚语是不讲究语法的。锻炼一下英语阅读能力,感谢楼主! 汗,楼上好多强人呢,我大学英语四级都是靠作弊才过去的,这篇文章英语原文被我选择性无视了... 说下中文版本的,感觉欧美那边人口味还是偏重,可能这篇文章在他们看来觉得也就一般,但是在下就有些接受不了了。 楼主辛苦,谢谢了。 口味好重,拳交啊,圣水啊,甚至还有用拳肛X的,实在是超乎想象 威望 2010-10-21 10:58 看来又是重口味凌虐文,应该还不错的,谢谢楼主了! 金币 2010-11-29 08:36 太厉害了,全部都翻译过来的啊!真佩服楼主~感谢楼主多发帖 呵呵,原文都发上来了啊。提个意见,我没在文章中看出多少恋物的感觉啊?